Welcome to the eighth edition of the Movie Lover’s Carnival, where we feature links from around the web to movie-related articles and blogposts by you, our reader. If you’ve recently blogged about something cinema related, you can submit your entries at the BlogCarnival Page for inclusion in our next edition.
We’ve got a fat set of links this time, with interviews, reviews, documentaries, and in-depth looks at aspects of of movie making and movie viewing.
Samantha Clark presents Interview: Terry Gilliam on The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus posted at Disc Dish.
Samantha says, “In this interview, filmmaker Terry Gilliam talks about how he worked on The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus after the untimely death of star Heath Ledger.”
Eric Maywar presents Wolf Man posted at Slight Turbulence.
There’s been some debate in my mind as to whether or not I should go watch the wolfman while it’s still in theatres. By all accounts it’s not a great movie, and I’m hardly a fan of the genre, be it the modern creature features or the classic Wolfman. I think I can probably wait until it hits DVD, but something about these movies still call for a darkened hall with eerie images projected on a big screen.
Tom presents Is 3D here to stay? posted at Screen Ninja.
Now that Avatar is the biggest movie ever, and Alice in Wonderland has been similarly successful, one expects every major and minor movie to consider the extra month or so of delay for conversion to 3D. Me, I’m still not sold on the technology yet. It still gives me a headache, and there isn’t really that much more depth to it, plus it sacrifices a lot of the clarity that I expect from a movie experience. And beyond that, are we already reaching a saturation point with 3D?
Jason Haynes presents Green Zone posted at Common Point of View Review.
Argh! Green Zone has been out for a couple of weeks and I just haven’t been able to find the time to go watch it yet! The Bourne movies have been some of my favourites of the past decade, and I’m a huge Matt Damon fan. I must watch it — but when?!
Undomestic Wife presents From my hideous couch: review of “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” posted at From my hideous couch: review of The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.
I haven’t seen a lot of classic movies, but of them Westerns are even lower on my lists. But of that genre, it’s certainly the Clint Eastwood ‘Man with No Name’ movies that intrigue me the most…
Prithi Ramakrishnan presents Food Inc. – Documentary (2008) posted at A Vegetarian Traveller.
Food. Inc follows in the tradition of Fast Food Nation and other recent eye-opening looks at the food industry. It’s on my list of things to watch, but I don’t know if most people can stomach it — pun fully intended.
Colin presents Movie Hookers vs. Real Life Hookers posted at White and Salty.
Colin takes an unflincing and irreverent look at one of the many professions of the world and how Hollywood glams it up compared to the reality — as it does everything, come to think of it.
Kelli Marshall presents Live-Tweeting the Oscars 2010: Virtual Affirmation, Valuable Community posted at unmuzzled thoughts (about film, television, and Shakespeare).
Do not miss the two, er, ‘corrected’ posters at the end of the post…
Dave Donovan presents DVD Review: The Good Sisters posted at Dave’s Horror Reviews.
I’m always fascinated by the horror movie industry. I do not care for the genre itself, but it intrigues me to know that beyond the big-budget studio products there still exists a healthy subculture of small, cult films that are released straight to DVD, and have their own rabid following.
Kevin Wetmore presents Review: The Fantastic Mr. Fox posted at Media Sickness.
Here’s another movie I missed in theatres that I wish I had gone for. Sure, it may not be in 3D, but seeing good-quality animation — stop motion especially — on a big screen is something else. I smell a Wes Anderson themed week on the site soon…
Glorious presents Winds of Change at the National Gallery? Review of Film Winds of Heaven: Emily Carr, Carvers and The Spirits of the Forest (2010) posted at Métis Ramblings.
Here’s something a bit different. While most of the submissions we get are for the kinds of movies that play in everybody’s local theatre, like the small horror films the movies are more than the Hollywood or Bollywood Top Ten. There are obscure documentaries that play at festivals and art galleries, for instance, such as this one about the artist Emily Carr. Thanks to the internet, we get to hear about so many things that interest us that we would be otherwise unaware of!
Sarah presents Dress – The Art of Wearing Vintage: Academy Award Vintage Countdown – 8 decades of Hollywood Fashion icons! DAY 1: 1927 to1936 posted at Dress – The Art of Wearing Vintage.
Sarah says, “great 8 part movie and fashion lover’s series on the fashion and style influences of the best actresses of the Academy awards from every decade!”
Bill presents The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day posted at Bill Skinner.com.
The Boondock Saints is a cult classic in the truest sense of the word. It’s not a great movie, from whatever little I’ve seen, but it makes for a compelling watch nevertheless. Let’s hope the sequel holds up!
Anthony Daquano presents Most Under-Appreciated Oscar Winners posted at Ruminations From a Movie Geek.
A nice set of picks; many unusual but memorable movies.
That wraps up this edition of the Movie Lover’s Carnival. Our next edition goes out on the 18th of April, and entries close on the 15th.
I’d like to clarify our policy on multiple entries: in any given carnival, we feature only one entry per blog or blogger. Extra submissions are held over for the next edition of the carnival, but only if the blogger doesn’t submit any new articles for that carnival. So basically, we will choose the first submission during a given carnival’s entry period and ignore any extra submission you may have made before to previous carnivals. And of course, we do read through every entry before including it; if we feel that it is not sufficiently movie-related, we will not include it.
I’d also like to remind people that you can follow us on twitter where we are @VLoveMovies. We link to all our latest articles as well as cool finds on the net, trailers, videos, news and gossip, as well as live-tweeting movies we’re watching every now and then.
Be sure to submit your entries at the BlogCarnival Page to be included!