Sucker Punch’s One-Two Punch

Updated on February 11, 2022

There’s nothing quite like the first reveal of a project that’s been on your radar, but that you’re undecided about. Zack Snyder may not be one of my favourite filmmakers, but even in his flawed adaptation of Watchmen there was enough to like, and enough visual and storytelling acumen that he’s become a director to watch. Snyder’s moved on quickly from the comic-book adaptation, to an intriguing action-fantasy film featuring an ensemble female cast, with the equally intriguing title of Sucker Punch.

Even though it isn’t out until next year, the first teaser and posters for the movie have been unleashed, and oh my, have they ever made an impression!

The Posters!

Instead of a single teaser poster, the filmmakers have chosen to go with six great posters depicting the six main characters of the film, while including elements of the fantasy sequences in the movie (such as the robots and a dragon).


They’re very striking posters, quite a bit unlike most movie one-sheets, and have an art style that will make any fan of steampunk fantasy fiction (until now mostly relegated to books) feel at home. I’d have a hard time picking one — right now I want all of them on my wall — but I don’t mind waiting until the movie releases (in March 2011) to get the one with my favourite character.