Welcome to the eleventh edition of the Movie Lover’s Carnival, where we feature links from around the web to movie-related articles and blogposts by you, our reader. If you’ve recently blogged about something cinema releated, you can submit your entries at the BlogCarnival Page for inclusion in our next edition.
Naveen presents The Hurt Locker Movie Review posted at Blog of Naveen Kulkarni.
There’s been endless debate as to whether Kathryn Bigelow’s film derseved to win the Oscar this year — most of this debate is really about whether it deserved to win it over James Cameron’s Avatar. But I remember hearing good buzz about it long before Avatar was even out, and though I still haven’t seen it, I doubt I’ll dislike it much.
Mike Ross presents The 10 Baddest Mothers in Movie History posted at Star Costumes Blog.
Mike says, “We take a moment to look at the most wicked moms in film history. In proving the psychopath doesn’t fall far from the tree, these bad mamma jammas have provided us with some of the more memorable roles in cinema history.”
Steve presents Neco z Alenky aka Alice (1988) posted at Flick Freak.
While I thotoughly enjoyed Tim Burton’s recent take on Alice in Wonderland, I have heard several great things about Jan Svankmajer’s take on it. Double Bill, anyone?
Alias presents Review: Alice in Wonderland posted at Thoughts From Under a Hat.
On the other hand, I know I’m very much in the minority with my opinion on Time Burton’s Alice… 🙂
VideoDetective presents New Grease Sing-A-Long Movie Trailer Released posted at Video Detective’s Blog.
They say, “Time to dust off your Frenchy costumes! Watch the new Grease Sing A Long movie trailer and see what everyone is talking about! Grease will be re-re-re-re-released this summer with a new twist. Grease will be presented as a sing-a-long in movie theaters.”
Dann presents 100 Word Review – Shrek Forever After posted at 100 Words or Less.
Everyone’s favourite ogre is back for one last go at the cinemas, and in 3D this time! Personally speaking I’m looking forward to a Puss-in-boots spin off.
That wraps up this edition of the Movie Lover’s Carnival. Our next edition goes out on the 12th of June, and entries close on the 10th.
I’d like to clarify our policy on multiple entries: in any given carnival, we feature only one entry per blog or blogger. Extra submissions are held over for the next edition of the carnival, but only if the blogger doesn’t submit any new articles for that carnival. So basically, we will choose the first submission during a given carnival’s entry period and ignore any extra submission you may have made before to previous carnivals. And of course, we do read through every entry before including it; if we feel that it is not sufficiently movie-related, we will not include it.
I’d also like to remind people that you can follow us on twitter where we are @VLoveMovies. We link to all our latest articles as well as cool finds on the net, trailers, videos, news and gossip, as well as live-tweeting movies we’re watching every now and then.
Be sure to submit your entries at the BlogCarnival Page to be included!