Movie Lover’s Carnival 007

Updated on February 11, 2022

Welcome to the seventh edition of the Movie Lover’s Carnival.

Before we begin, I’d like to clarify our policy on multiple entries: in any given carnival, we feature only one entry per blog or blogger. Extra submissions are held over for the next edition of the carnival, but only if the blogger doesn’t submit any new articles for that carnival. So basically, we will choose the first submission during a given carnival’s entry period and ignore any extra submission you may have made before to previous carnivals. And of course, we do read through every entry before including it; if we feel that it is not sufficiently movie-related, we will not include it.

I’d also like to remind people that you can follow us on twitter where we are @VLoveMovies. We link to all our latest articles as well as cool finds on the net, trailers, videos, news and gossip, as well as live-tweeting movies we’re watching every now and then.

Now, onward!

reversal-of-fortuneAnthony Daquano presents Jeremy Irons – Reversal of Fortune posted at Ruminations From a Movie Geek.

Anthony takes a look at Jeremy Irons’ award-winning performance in this Barbet Schroeder film. Schroeder is one of those directors who has never really been a big name, but has put together a long and interesting career over the decades (the most recent thing I saw of his was the ‘Kennedy Assassination’ episode of Mad Men). And Irons, while more of a known quantity, has a similarly eclectic career.

gone-with-the-windLisa presents What’s the big deal about The Academy Awards – they’re just movies, aren’t they? How Rudolph Valentino and Nurse Ratched enriched my life.. posted at Blog At Dress The Art of Wearing Vintage.

Lisa reminisces about the Oscars, and movie dresses, and what they meant to her and her mother growing up. A great read!

shutter-islandBill presents Shutter Island Review posted at Bill

I’ve been eagerly looking forward to seeing Martin Scorsese’s new film ever since it’s enigmatic trailer debuted last year. I’m even more intrigued now that I hear opinion is divided on it. It is playing in theatres round these parts, but something tells me I need to be in the right frame of mind — somewhat fitting for a movie set in a mental institution — to properly enjoy it. I can’t wait!

valentines-daytolashgualris presents Valentine’s Day posted at Common Point of View Review.

They add, “Movie review from the everyman point of view.” Well, we certainly count ourselves as everymen (or should that be the more politically correct everypersons? :-)) here at, and it’s nice to get a review like this of what is so far considered one of the train-wrecks of the year. I’m curious to see just how bad Valentine’s Day is; critics have almost universally slammed it, but I have heard dissenting voices from regular folk. I don’t suppose they’ll wait until next Valentine’s Day to release the DVD?!

cop-outChristian Toto presents Double speak, Kevin Smith style posted at WHAT WOULD TOTO WATCH?.

There is probably not another movie director around today as vocal and in the public eye as Kevin Smith. Whether he’s railing on the Star Wars prequels on stage (his An Evening with Kevin Smith shows are very, very entertaining), podcasting, or getting kicked off planes with live twitter updates, you’re rarely unaware of what Smith is doing or saying on a daily basis. So it’s interesting to see his reactions when he actually has a movie out.

star-trekMatt Tracey presents Star Trek Review posted at Stuff We Watch.

Matt adds, “Stuff We Watch is a casual movie review blog that a friend and I started recently. We have a few reviews up, and I believe our recent review of the newest Star Trek movie is probably our best writing so far. We’d be excited if you’d consider mentioning us on your blog carnival. Thanks!”

We’re always glad to see more reviews of great films like Star Trek, Matt, and welcome to the world of movie blogging!

quick-gun-murugunAditya presents Aditya’s Movie Review Blog: Quick Gun Murugun (2009) posted at Aditya’s Movie Review Blog.

Aditya says, “The Indian Cowboy who fights against non-vegetarianism. Watch it, I say!”

Well, there’s really not a lot I can add to that! Quick Gun Murugun was an awesome little series of short fillers on a music channel when I was a kid, and its super-spoof humour has remained intact during its transition from the small to the big screens. If you don’t give this movie a shot I will be very, very disappointed in you — Mind it!

That wraps up this edition of the Movie Lover’s Carnival. Our next edition goes out on the 3rd of April, and entries close on the 31st. Be sure to submit your entries at the BlogCarnival Page to be included!

PS There were a bunch of extra submissions that I would like to have included were it not for our one blog/one article policy. Some of these will be a part of the next carnival.
