I have fairly mixed feeling about the Oscars, the Golden Globes, and what is now come to be known as the nearly three month long(!) Awards Season™ . While I do not begrudge an industry’s need to pat themselves on the back, to recognise their best, and to just have a plain old-fashioned good time, it’s fair to say that the hype and self-importance surrounding the awards, the nominees, and the films that are in the running left the areas of ‘old-fashioned good time’ a long, long time ago.
There was no Oscar predictions or recap posts on this site, and that’s probably going to be the case next year too. We came dangerously close to having a “V Love Movies Award” sort of thing, but clearer heads prevailed (they may be less clear next year). But should we ever decide to do an awards post, I’m sure that this little video embedded below will be in the running.
BriTANicK describe themselves on their website as “Two guys wasting their degrees”. Brian McElhaney and Nick Kocher write, act, and direct their own short films along with their friends, and if this trailer is any indication, they are categorically not wasting their degrees.
If this was just a straight skewering of movie cliches that the yearly glut of Oscar Bait movies are filled with it would make for an entertaining watch — but it’s BriTANicK’s inspired choice of how to present the dialogue that really makes it memorable. It’s hard to describe, but you’ll get the hang of it soon enough. Now go watch it!