Movie Lover’s Carnival 003

Updated on February 11, 2022

We have a bumper edition this time

A Very Happy New Year to all our readers, and welcome to the third edition of the Movie Lover’s Carnival, and the first of the new decade. We have a bumper edition this time, as we skipped a few weeks over the busy holiday season (hope you had a Merry Christmas!)

Before we begin, though, I’d like to clarify our policy on multiple entries: in any given carnival, we feature only one entry per blog or blogger. Extra submissions are held over for the next edition of the carnival, but only if the blogger doesn’t sumbit any new articles for that carnival. So basically, we will choose the first submission during a given carnival’s entry period and ignore any extra submission you may have made before to previous carnivals. And of course, we do read through every entry before including it; if we feel that it is not sufficiently movie-related, we will not include it.

I’d also like to remind people that you can follow us on twitter where we are @VLoveMovies. We link to all our latest articles as well as cool finds on the net, trailers, videos, news and gossip, as well as live-tweeting movies we’re watching every now and then.

So, with all the formalities, out of the way, we have a lot of great articles to go through this time.

Onto the entries!

Greg Laden presents An Interview with Jason Page, Film Maker, about White Man’s World posted at Greg Laden’s Blog.

Surbhi Bhatia presents Movie Review: The Prestige posted at The Viewspaper.

I have a confession to make: I haven’t seen The Prestige. There are times when you can’t wait to see a movie, it releases, you don’t end up seeing it for whatever reason (mine was travel), and then it just disappears off your list. Oddly enough, in all this time I have yet to have the film’s twist revealed to me. Maybe I should watch it before someone reveals it in the comments!

Ernel Sapinoso presents A Filipino Family’s Movie List 2009 posted at nth faceted me.

I love lists like this: short summations of everything watched in the year. I’ve tried to do them myself before and failed (which is one of the reasons this site was started).

Yini Cheah presents He’s Just Not That Into You posted at RedRubyonFire.

Between this movie and the upcoming Valentine’s Day it would seem America is finally trying its hand at the multiple couple, ‘hyperlink’ romantic comedy that Richard Curtis’s Love Actually (one of my favourite movies!) made famous. Like Love Actually your reaction to these can be as varied as the characters in them. The Bollywood take on this, Nikhil Advani’s Salaam-e-Ishq is both liked and disliked for various reasons. It’s a hard job, managing so many characters and threads, but it sure makes for interesting viewing!

Anastas Mikoyan presents Marilyn Monroe Poster posted at Golden Lyre, saying, “Who doesn’t love Some Like It Hot? Who could forget the capers of Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon in drag hiding amongst an all female music band fleeing from gangsters out to kill them in Billy Wilder’s hugely popular 1959 movie? But for many the movie’s main attraction was the fabulous Marilyn Monroe.”

Well, I agree, Some Like it Hot has always been one of my favourite movies, let alone my second favourite Marilyn Monroe film (the first would, of course, be The Seven Year Itch. The post sheds some light on background of the movie and Monroe’s involvement in it; things I didn’t know before this.

Tim Smith presents Paranormal Activity! posted at NADMIT.COM.

Yup, it’s a review of everybody’s favourite horror movie of the year (though for me it was definitely Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.

Barbara Williams presents 50 Great Movies Every Science Geek Needs to See posted at Online Degree

It’s a great, comprehensive list, and being a Science Geek myself, is right up my alley. Now to go hunt down all the ones I haven’t seen!

Emily Moser presents Top 15 Christmas Movies (and T.V. specials) to get you in the Spirit posted at Pharmacy Technician Certification.

Er, this list might be a bit late considering when this carnival goes out, but hey, get an early start on Christmas movies you may have missed (extra props to he for including Die Hard, the greatest Christmas movie of all time!).

Gracie Turner presents Top 10 Ridiculous Celebrity-Written Books posted at Online

More lists! Not quite strictly movie-related this one, but a nice little list of celebrity-authored books. Wait, Spike Lee also writes childrens’ books? The mind boggles.

Shaun Duke presents Why Avatar Will Suck, and Everyone Will See It Anyway posted at The World in the Satin Bag.

I think Shaun’s title pretty-much was my reaction to Avatar (you can read this site’s Avatar review here, though while I agree with all his points I wouldn’t call James Cameron’s film an out and out disaster.

yusuf presents 2012 posted at Xpress opinions….

And speaking of big-budget disasters, I’ve been quite surprised by the international box office of Roland Emmerich’s end of the world fest. Yusuf’s review is short and sweet, and asks you to tell him what you thought of it. Well, go ahead!

Mario Fasce presents Top 25 [actually 26] movies of the decade ? Part 2 (12-1) posted at The blue devil’s Blog. Mario adds, “Hey to make the article shorter I separated it into two, the first part can be found here. Hopefully I will be able to write a couple of reviews or articles for your next carnival.”

Well, we’re hardly going to complain about long articles here on the site, and we can’t say no to any list that puts Children of Men so high!

jabcat presents Jabcat Goes To The Movies posted at Jabcat On Movies.

Jabcat refers to himself in the third person, and talks about the special experience of going to the cinema to see movies.

MiWiCo presents In the Cinema: Avatar posted at A True MiWiCo. The add, “I wrote a short little review of Avatar.”

Nothing more to add to that!

Kelli Marshall presents Marley and (Not) Me: Why I Don’t Do Animal Movies posted at unmuzzled thoughts.

Kelli adds, “The primary reason I do not see/read many texts that feature animals as main characters is that somewhere in the narrative, an animal–often the one in the lead role–will inevitably be hurt and/or killed, leaving behind an image of a grieving human who clutches onto nothing but fond memories of his/her pet.”

I think that’s the reason I didn’t watch the movie either. That, and Jennifer Aniston.

emancave presents Avatar is an action packed, stunningly beautiful 3-D masterpiece! Go see it! posted at They add, “A review of the Avatar 3D movie says it all.”

I know I’m in the minority on Avatar; most people I know think it’s the greatest movie ever made, or at least close. And that’s okay. One day they’ll see the light, hehehehe.

That wraps up the third edition of the Movie Lover’s Carnival. Our next edition goes out on the 25th of January, and entries close on the 23rd. Be sure to submit your entries at the BlogCarnival Page to be included!
