Movie Lover’s Carnival 002

Updated on February 11, 2022

Firstly, apologies that this carnival is so late. As the year winds down even with the best of intentions things tend to slip through the cracks, and both movie-watching and movie blogging has screeched to a halt for a bit. But the year promises to go out with a bang, with sure-fire blockbusters like Avatar and 3 Idiots releasing soon, and smaller movies such as Up in the Air and Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year also out. Needless to say, I have my work cut out for me, between watching all of those, reviewing them, and compiling lists of ‘best of the year’, ‘best of the decade’ and also stuff to look forward to in the 2010s.

For this carnival I’m presenting the links as they came in. As usual, only one link per blog or submitter, so if your link wasn’t included in this time’s carnival I will carry it over and put it in next time.

Onto the entries!

Madeleine Begun Kane presents Chick Flick Flack posted at Mad Kane’s Humor Blog. Madeleine graces us with another short, humorous poem, this one about chick flicks. I can’t help but agree with her pithy summation.

Surbhi presents Film Review: Inglourious Basterds posted at The Viewspaper. I have yet to catch Basterds — no excuse now that it’s on DVD and Blu-Ray — but if you haven’t decided on whether or not you want to see Quentin Tarantino’s latest, Surbhi’s review may just sway you.

Julia Douthwaite presents Louis XVI, the pitiful king posted at A Revolution in Fiction. Julia remarks, “Rare footage of Van Dyke’s ‘Marie-Antoinette’ (1938) includes a hilarious speech by Robert Morley, who portrays the pitiful king in a manner closer to contemporary accounts of the ill-fated monarch than what we saw in Sofia Coppola’s 2006 extravaganza.”

Susan Gaissert presents What’s the Matter With Kansas? Film Review posted at My Political Side. Susan remarks, “I saw this great documentary at its Lincoln Center premiere.”

This Guy Over Here presents The Best Films | This Guy Over Here: The Best Films of 2000s. posted at This Guy Over Here. It’s a great list, going year-by-year, and includes a lot of good choices, and also some thing I haven’t seen. That’s the great part about lists; they’re less about a definitive, final answer to the question of the best films, as they are a way to find movies you may have overlooked.

Which reminds me, I need to get started on my own lists…

Greg Laden presents The Truth About Jason Page, Filmmaker posted at Quiche Moraine. Just who is Jason Page? Well, you’re going to have to click through to find out…

Vyoma Nupur presents 2012 The Movie: A Disaster Themed Technoganza? posted at Exploring the Tastes and Textures of Life. Vyoma says, “Hi, I have started a new blog recently with great enthusiasm and would like to submit the movie review of 2012 that i posted!”

Wrapping up

That concludes the second edition of the Movie Lover’s Carnival! I hope you enjoyed the links! If you participated in this carnival, I’d certainly appreciate a link back to this site or carnival entry page on your blog.

Since the holidays probably have everyone wrapped up in festive preparations, the next carnival is scheduled for the 7th of January 2010,

Submit your blog article to the next edition of movie lover’s carnival using our carnival submission form.

Until then, a merry Christmas, happy holidays, and of course, a happy new year!
