Soul Man Teasers

Updated on February 11, 2022

We’ve got a tantaslising treat for you today, in the form of two teasers for an in-the-works animation project called Soul Man. The team at Blacklight Movies led by Guillaume Ivernel have ambitious plans for Soul Man. There’s talk of a trilogy, spinoffs, and more, and I do hope the team achieves these and more with success.

Because Soul Man looks gorgeous! I’m of the opinion that there’s just not enough variety in feature-length animation out there. For all of Pixar & Dreamworks’ technical wonders, I’d love to see more varied works reach the mainstream, and something like Soul Man would certainly help. The character design is strong, the animation is solid & the clever mix of blacksploitation and science fiction should make for an entertaining movie, one that might harken back to old favourites of mine from the 1960s and 70s such as Danger Diabolik.

Here’s hoping Soul Man comes out soon!