Movie Lover’s Carnival 004

Updated on February 11, 2022

Welcome to the fourth edition of the Movie Lover’s Carnival. My my, how time flies. It seems like only yesterday we were piling into theatres to watch Avatar & Sherlock Holmes at the end of the noughties, and now here we are already near the end of the first month of the 2010s! There were rumors of Johnny Depp dying (he’s still alive!), a very real internet leak of an unfinished Sudhir Mishra movie. Spider-Man 4 lost its cast and director, and we speculated on some Spider-Man movies we’d love to see (it has since gained a new director, at least). Oh, and that blue people movie won an award or three.

Ah yes, award season is starting to hot up, with the Golden Globes already out of the way, and people waiting for the new revamped Oscar campaign with its 10 nominees for best pictures. Me, I’ve never put much stock in awards — the best movies I’ve ever seen, my favourites, are often films that have never won major awards. But hey, it’s always fun to watch the shows themselves (even though they do tend to drag on a bit), and endlessly debate over nominees and winners! I’m sure some of you will have award-related entries for the carnival too.

Before we begin, though, I’d like to clarify our policy on multiple entries: in any given carnival, we feature only one entry per blog or blogger. Extra submissions are held over for the next edition of the carnival, but only if the blogger doesn’t sumbit any new articles for that carnival. So basically, we will choose the first submission during a given carnival’s entry period and ignore any extra submission you may have made before to previous carnivals. And of course, we do read through every entry before including it; if we feel that it is not sufficiently movie-related, we will not include it.

I’d also like to remind people that you can follow us on twitter where we are @VLoveMovies. We link to all our latest articles as well as cool finds on the net, trailers, videos, news and gossip, as well as live-tweeting movies we’re watching every now and then.

Now, onward!

emancave presents The 3-D movie full court press is awesome posted at

A helpful list of what 3D movies to expect in theatres, and when. I have no idea what some of these movies are, and frankly beyond the 3D wow factor I don’t know if they have much going for them, but if Tron Legacy‘s going to be in 3D it suddenly shot up my list of anticipated films!

Anthony presents Legion posted at sannyasa.

Legion is a new film about an angel coming down to earth to protect a young pregnant girl and her unborn child — from god. You can see how this story may upset people, and Anthony outlines the issue from the stand point of the biblical text that the movie’s story is loosely based on.

theevilp presents To be or not to be..: A study in Guilt posted at To be or not to be...

Vishal Bhardwaj’s Maqbool was a groundbreaking film for Indian cinema; an adaptation of Shakespeare’s Macbeth, set in the modern day, with not kings, but gangsters. It remains a cult classic and a critical darling, and in his post theevilp takes a closer look at a fascinating aspect of the film, that drives the story of both Macbeth & Maqbool: guilt.

Rick Sincere presents Matthew Broderick Discusses ‘Wonderful World’ posted at Rick Sincere News and Thoughts.

Rick remarks, “Matthew Broderick discusses his new movie, ‘Wonderful World,’ at the 2009 Virginia Film Festival in Charlottesville. He is joined on the panel by screenwriter/director Joshua Goldin and producer Glenn Williamson.”

Kevin Wetmore presents The Best Film of the Decade (and 14 runner-ups) posted at Media Sickness.

I think I’ve made it pretty clear that I love Best Of lists that encompass more than a year. Kevin has some interesting choices for his Top 15 of the decade.

reesan presents The Calamari Wrestler posted at loneleeplanet.

Reesan says, “a brief review on a, dare i say, japanese classic movie. ^_^ ”

Come on, how can you resist a movie that is so straightforwardly named?!

Adam G presents If We Pitched It: The Spider-Man Reboot posted at Hollywood Prophets.

Adam adds, “Basically, this article focuses on a few of the biggest concerns about the new Spider-Man reboot and our take on the whole thing.”

Alex DeMattia presents Film Review: Avatar (2009) – All About posted at All About

Alex outlines the good and the bad of what is now probably the biggest movie of all time.

Atul Gupta presents Watch Latest Movie Remember Me Trailer- Hollywood Movie Trailers | Movies Cut posted at Movies Cut.

Hold onto your seats, boys and girls, it’s RPattz time!!! SQUEE, etc.

Terence Gillespie presents 100 Movies for Writers & Creators posted at Your Optimal Blog.

Terence says, “Lips move in poetry only when they cannot not kiss. Apart from the act of writing, itself, the optimal means of improving word-craft is to learn from experts in mediums of more efficient delivery. Those mediums consists of almost everything other than the written word. Movies are a great start.”

J. Smith Social presents My Struggle With Movies Part One posted at J. Smith Social.

J brings up an interesting point about the length of movies and our investment in characters (or lack thereof) because of it. Are movies getting too long? Are they not long enough? Should we just sit at home and watch great TV? I don’t know, but after reading J’s post, I really want to start saving up for first class air tickets.

That wraps up this edition of the Movie Lover’s Carnival. Our next edition goes out on the 09th of February, and entries close on the 07th of February. Be sure to submit your entries at the BlogCarnival Page to be included!
